Aug 19, 2021Liked by Stacey Eskelin

So. CA native myself, and I can attest to the ubiquity of avocado trees. People who didn't have one in their yard (to my way of thinking) were damned foreigners who'd moved there from alien locales like Illinois. I'll take the cilantro and cayenne in mine, thank you! Tres Hombres, in nearby (to me) Carbondale manages a consistently good guac. Of course, they have to season theirs for Midwest taste buds.

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We JUST made a fresh batch (using this recipe, of course), and my tastebuds are singing Hallelujah. DEAR GOD, I’m crazy about avocados!

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Sep 1, 2021Liked by Stacey Eskelin

Sounds delicious! I've never added tomatoes to my guac, but why TH not!?!

Now I'm thinking maybe a bit of decent salsa added, instead... basically because I'm lazy! Would that be a sin?

Anyway, do you grow your own cilantro, because I love it, too, but it's hard to find (sometimes Carrefour will have it in tiny packages)?

Re avocados ...I generally only buy Hass from Peru. The ones from Mexico, I find, tend to have more of those gross threads in them. I buy them (either Conad or Carrefour) hard, let them sit out until there's some 'give' to them, then refrigerate (if I know I won't use them immediately) until I want to use them. Works for me.

P.S. Speaking of avocados, ever had an avocado shake from a Vietnamese restaurant? Wonnnnnnnderful!

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I envy people who love cilantro! I wish I did. Just recently, I came to realize that I am what's known as a "Super Taster," which is the silliest thing to call it. I'm no super taster; but I do have acutely sensitive taste buds. It's why I can't drink alcohol. All it tastes to me is like hot acid. Or cat urine.

Hass avocados from Peru are fleshy and flavorful and PERFECT. I love those things. In Texas, avocados are cheap and plentiful. Here, not so much. But they're well worth hunting down, aren't they?

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It’s a dessert topping AND a floor wax!! Truthfully, avocados are useful only as projectiles. I’d lob them at passing cars. 🤣🙄

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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah, maybe a floor wax. But not as projectiles! Their smooshy little bellies!

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I was a quarterback in high school, and an avocado feels kinda like a small football. 🤣

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