Neither has poor Italy! I just read today that NYC is planning to put a CASINO--a freaking casino!--on the top floor of Sak's Fifth Avenue. Now that weed is legal, too, it would seem that Manhattan is planning to live up to its reputation as Gotham ;-)
Neither has poor Italy! I just read today that NYC is planning to put a CASINO--a freaking casino!--on the top floor of Sak's Fifth Avenue. Now that weed is legal, too, it would seem that Manhattan is planning to live up to its reputation as Gotham ;-)
Neither has poor Italy! I just read today that NYC is planning to put a CASINO--a freaking casino!--on the top floor of Sak's Fifth Avenue. Now that weed is legal, too, it would seem that Manhattan is planning to live up to its reputation as Gotham ;-)
Nothing wrong with a properly regulated, legitimate casino. London has casinos.
"Properly regulated" being the two key words here ;-)