"I don’t think most of us will ever be the same after the Trump Era," and, yes, those of us of a certain age have seen some shit go down. NO ONE in the history of this great nation has ever seen such corruption and disdain for the office of the Presidency before. It's as if Trump wanted to suck us dry and leave us for dead by the side of the road as he drove off in search of his next mark.

It's been said- often by me- that we get exactly the quality of leadership we deserve. I pray that Americans will realize that we deserve better than the liars, thieves, pedophiles, and Trump-humpers running for office during this election cycle. Good God, y'all; remove your anteriors from yer posteriors, willya??


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I just shared this with my closest 3.3K friends on FB. Please GODS, let them read it.

As you already know, I read three newspapers every morning, and I CAN INDEED keep track of all of Trump's misdeeds.

But I think people need to be born in the District of Columbia and live there for more than fifty years while working as a political flack to have that kind of mastery, sigh, since people in the heartlands *simply do not understand* how the GOP is taking them for a ride straight to the Morgue......

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Thank you for sharing, Caroline. You have a long reach.

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Yeah, it’s not hyperbolic at all, this is the most important election of our lifetime!!! That fact this prick isn’t in jail yet is beyond reproach. With this administrations slow wheels of justice, it’s scary that it’s come down to an apathetic American populace to administer it with our votes. Lastly, he fricken buried Ivana Trump on his golf course for tax purposes. His balls are still slapping her face. Pure evil!

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America's second original sin: 2 senators for every state. Third: electoral college. Fourth: "freedom of dangerous speech". The "white" rearguard action against the inexorable processes of social and cultural change gets you a Trump, and will give you a Trump II, a smarter, subtler demigogue.

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God forbid we should have a direct democracy. Imperfect, perhaps, but it's better than the electoral college. And yes, two senators for every state ... is patently wrong.

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Thank you for compiling a complete chronological list of the atrocities committed by hmmmmm. what do I call him? Part of his strategy is to hit us with so much wrong, we become numb and dumb to his actions. I am convinced after read American Kompromat that he is a Russian operative.

His plan to replace the cooperate tax break revenue is to end Social Security and Medicare. Cooperations that weren’t paying their fair share in the first place. The key difference ( one of the key differences) between the two political parties was exposed during the Frost, Nixon interview’s when Frost asked Nixon if he thought his Watergate actions were illegal and Nixon’s reply was, “It’s not illegal if the president does it.” Thanks again

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Which is, of course, what a KING MIGHT SAY.

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Oh Stacey...there is so much to say here. ( I'm not nearly fully caffeinated as I write this), but I am tired of it all anyway. Trump is a living, breathing nightmare, and those who believe him must just be completely nuts. I agree with every word you said, but "there is no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter" sums it up well. I've already voted and I'm making phone calls for Tim Ryan this week who's running for U.S. Senate against that loathsome, suck-up to Trump, JD Vance.

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I purposely wait a week or two to respond to comments on Cappuccino because I want everyone to have a chance to weigh in ... but what's fascinating in how much has happened in just that short amount of time.

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Comey came through for him. There is nothing in Hilary's emails, and he knew that. He did it by violating the Hatch Act and announcing 5(?) Days before the election the FBI was re-opening the case.

A Higher Loyalty? My ass. Loyalty to his future as some high priced flack at a mega Corp. Sold his soul.

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Now it's going to be the Hunter Biden's Laptop mishigas, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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I've voted in every election I've been legally allowed to do so for the last 44 years. The only time I skipped even a state or local ballot was when I was in Germany, "working for and Uncle" (as it were), and didn't have a state or locality to which I belonged.

Illinois is safely blue for the governorship (this time around) and our Senate seats. But this is mostly the Chicago effect. At the Congressional level (especially where I live) these people are all neo-Fascist Christian Dominionists who believe God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka (a phrase I've used before.) There are reasons why I've given up ever dating again.

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Seeing it all written out like this is utterly terrifying. The children who will never see their parents again, due to its horrific border "policy" just guts me. I'm tremendously disheartened to think that it'll run again, or that people are so F*%KING stupid, they'll vote for it again. Soda contributes to strokes - I'd happily buy all the Coke for it to drink, since it seems to be addicted to the stuff. $#it.

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Exactly. We get our news by drips when we need one cohesive document putting it all together for us. Forest, and not just trees. I don't pretend that I've done that or have the authority to do that, but the necessity is there.

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