Feral Unregulated Consumer Kleptomaniacs! I’m pretty sure identity theft is a crime. So what part of one’s identity is legally free game these days? We all have a Social Security card, but the irony is nothing’s secure if you’re being social. Whether it’s shopping, dining, or using a social network. Even the iPhone Umbilicus 3,000 needs to be constantly fed with security updates. Is AI really a convenience, or a nightmare of epic proportions waiting to happen? Plastic in, plastic out. Feed the machine! Your article reminded me of the show Person of Interest and the idea of Pre cogs. It’s scary and invasive to one’s sanity for sure, as if everyone is just a number. I agree, a reset to default isn’t the way to go. Awareness is!

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I am NOT optimistic about our futures. At all. Every single day of my life, I pray to a God I don't believe in that I'm wrong.

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There are other tricks you can employ to minimize how you're tracked. For instance, I use a VPN, a non invasive search engine (DuckDuckGo.com does not collect or sell your info) and regularly run programs that sweep and burn the privacy traces left on my computer. When FB breaks down and starts stove-piping ads into my feed, I mark them as irrelevant (which, in fact, they are, since I've been covering my other tracks). Of course, every time I use one of my cards (and I use them for everything) that info is going into the kitty.

I didn't know about the airlines. Of course, I haven't flown anywhere since Christ was a lance corporal.

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Love your ripostes, Gares. Always have, always will. As far as browsers go, Brave is another option, I believe, unless I'm informed otherwise.

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"Union Square riot instigator Kai Cenat makes $23,280 a month recording himself sleeping".... Wait, WHAT??? How did I miss out on THAT career path?

A rubber band has a finite tensile strength. Stretch it past that, of course, and it will snap...which, if you think about it for more than a nanosecond, is a metaphor for America today. We've become so caught up in the chase for more, more, more, that we've lost sight of what it is we're chasing. Not only that, but we can no longer recognize if the chase is healthy or a compulsive expression of learned behavior.

"Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage...."

We do what we do because it's what we've always done...it's just that now we do it at warp speed, and that's not sustainable over the long term. The thing I love about living on the West Coast is that there's (slightly) less incentive to live like that than along the eastern seaboard. But it's why I keep trying to convince Erin to buy a house on the Oregon Coast. Sometimes I think it would be nice to spend our golden years planted on the beach watching the surf come in.

Breathe in, breathe out....

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I LIKE that plan! What, are you kidding? Beach waves are Mother Earth breathing. Their rhythm is the same as ours. Hypnotic.

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Jayzus, Stacey!

You know that scene in the movie "Carrie" where she visits the graveyard of one of her friends on a lovely summer day. An arm comes out of the grave and pulls her down to hell.

You've been pulled down to hell, along with millions upon millions of others and, I guess, me too, although, I don't feel like it. And what's hell like? It's being like being head lice on Medusa. And what's she like? She's like Liberty, whose crown got got pushed off by countless corporate snakes who have rooted in her skull and grown as plentiful as hair on the now mad woman's head. The only solution: decapitation.

PS: Over here in Europe, we have a bit more social media regulation. When a website or app displays on our devices we can "manage" our cookies etc. We can go through a long list of settings which we can turn on or turn off as the case may be, but operators have to give us a "reject all" option, which is what I look for and punch whenever I get a chance. Decapitate the bastards.

PPS: The heat wave we have been under over here in Italy this last many days will break tonight as a cold front moves in from the north. It's a cool August morning and though its past dawn, the sun is still behind the Appenines a few hundred meters to my east. I am going out to the field behind my house to rake the dry, stony clay that constitutes my soil in an effort to level the ruts made by tractors and the equipment they have pulled over it in previous years. I shall sweat and become as thoughtless as my labours allow. No churn, except the perplexing notions that are playing themselves out in a book I'm writing. Locale: the hear and now.

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I am so glad the Italian heat wave finally broke! I was sweating it all the way from over here. It's so good to hear from you, Vian. You're one of the good ones. Bonus points for attitude on "Decapitate the bastards." Ha!

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Just finished watching Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. Recommend it, along with "The Game Changers". Ways of life.

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