"Knowing who you are is a superpower." Like you, I found it late. In my case, I was in my fifties. It took two failed marriages, a ton of heartache, and more burned bridges than I care to remember (or admit to). I finally hand to draw my line in the sand (and get a swift kick in the ass) and get down to the dirty work of figuring out who I am and what I want. I still struggle at times, but it's a process, and it's getting better.

Writing a book showed me that I could do something without really giving a damn what others thought. It was mine, I did it for me, and y'all can take it or leave it. Ultimately, it was very well received, which showed me what I could accomplish when I have my priorities in order.

It really is a day-by-day struggle; some days are better than others...but it's getting better.

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I used to teach an acqua aerobics class to some really terrific ladies in their fifties and sixties. They were self-accepting in a way that constantly blew my mind. Here I was a fit woman in her thirties who suffered agonizes of self-conscious embarrassment, and there they were, laughing, splashing around, having fun. Seeing them made me aspire to something more than my crap.

I love that you found your way. And yes, it IS always a process. Landing in a healthy relationship with a healthy man did wonders. That was a combination of luck, daring, persistence and flexibility. Prior to meeting John, I spent years not even dating.

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