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Ooooo, they sound tasty, and look nice and moist. Would I go to hell if I added some concentrated beef or chicken bouillon to the mix? I'd try them first, without it, of course. Not trying to insult a perfectly good recipe. Really. Honestly.

Actually I'm sort of goofing on all those people who write inane stuff in recipe comment replies. Sometimes with questions like:

Can I substitute margarine for butter?

Can I use soy milk instead of almond milk?

Can I use fertilized eggs instead of 'regular' eggs?

OK, that last one's a stretch, but I've seen some real winners that make me scratch my head. They often want to make so many change ups that it'd be nowhere near the original recipe!

Do what you damn well please, use common sense or Google, or just experiment once in a while! Wow...glad I got *that* rant off my chest.

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