This is part of the reason I have no used for religion. It's so easy- TOO easy- to weaponize the ignorant and the easily manipulable in the service of an evil agenda. In my book, I wrote a chapter about the Jewish blood libel. It's sad how easily something can go from being merely ridiculous to becoming virulent and deadly.

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I don't think we're bright enough for religion. All we do is use it as a cudgel to bludgeon people over the head with. Until I see Jesus Incarnate sitting in front of me and holding a conversation, I'm out.

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Even then, I have a WHOLE LOT of questions.

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Heartbreaking. Sometimes I really think humans shouldn’t survive (apart from the fact that we’re doing our best not to, what with our treatment of the planet). So many so-messed-up people.

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I wholeheartedly share that sentiment (then feel guilty for doing so). Man's inhumanity to man ... it gutters me.

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God, I despise these people. I followed the original "Satanic Panic" in the US, in the '80's, moderately closely, dumb-founded and outraged at the willful, vicious, savage stupidity that drove it. One need not have a LEO level of forensic knowledge to recognize that it is manifestly impossible for even the tiniest fraction of these accusations to be true, and yet leave not even the slightest physical trace. I'll say it again: it is physically impossible.

In the '90's I was living in Chicago and dating a woman who was a counseling psychologist. We went to a gathering of some friends and colleagues of hers, a series presentations of some sort, and some where in the middle of things this vacuous buffoon who made up in enthusiasm for what she lacked in intelligence -- she was *VERY* enthusiastic -- decided that what we really all needed to hear about was this talk that she'd gone to where the presenter went into deliciously morbid details about surviving such a satanic child abuse ring. I was a guest, and so I kept my mouth shut, and too this day I regret my sense of propriety. I was left in a rage -- both at what she said and my silence -- that went on for, well, some 25 years later and it is still going on.

The oft repeated saying goes, "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." Well, that's an obvious lie.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he DID exist, because no one has done so much of the devil's work as the self-anointed zealots who have declared it is their unique power, privilege, and responsibility to do battle "against" the devil.

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Hand to god, Gares, what you wrote should be its own article. Spot on, my friend. As we both know, folly is always punished; sin, almost never. And so much sin is done in the name of good. Probably all of it.

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I like that you referenced Oprah although you didn't expand on her role in the Satanic Panic hysteria here in the U.S. And at least to my knowledge, she has never acknowledged her wrong and apologized for it. Oprah has been guilty of promoting many dangerous ideas, including that if you have cancer it's because you're not "positive" enough, anti-vaccine conspiracy, and the rancid careers of "Dr." Phil and Dr. Memet Oz, who's become sufficiently loony enough to have won the Republican Primary in Pennsylvania. And to think, a few years ago some allegedly intelligent people were promoting her as a serious candidate for president, after seeing how the one celebrity president, who also had zero political experience, has worked out? If by some set of circumstances Oprah ran and won the Democratic primary the ONLY reason I'd vote for her is because the Republican choice would almost surely be more unhinged than she is. I don't think that she would ever run because as wacky as she has been I believe even she knows better; would that everyone else did too.

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I'm SO GLAD you recited this list of her transgressions. I want to like Oprah. I admire what she accomplished, especially as a woman of size and color. But she also did just as much harm as she did good. The Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil promotions were bad enough. She also created an atmosphere of crass materialism and greed. I'll never forget seeing those dollars float down from the ceiling of her studio, and all these middle-aged women screaming and clawing each other to get at them. It was terrifying. And her perpetual positivity was toxic.

An optimist is someone who tells you to cheer up when everything's going her way.

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Thanks Stacey. I too find much to admire about Oprah, her life story is as improbable as any that anyone could invent. Yet, she has utterly squandered the goodwill that I would have otherwise have for her. I had forgotten that sad tableau with the dollar bills. You're right, this woman has done so much harm with her shallow boosterism of hucksters of every stripe. And your parting line is PERFECT, that's the essence of Oprah.

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