I don't know what to say to this. As you know, I lived in Morocco for about a year, and, toward the end of my stay, I was able to acquire residency based on my marriage to a Moroccan. We did it through the Moroccan consulate in the US sending a signed note and proof that I was Islamically married to a Moroccan citizen. My husband strictly refused to pay any bribes and did not play games with anyone who gave him the runaround. However, we know couples who still do not have residency for their American or expat partner and can't even have their marriage recognized and registered by the government. They would probably agree with you in how hard it is. I just don't know. My husband always scoffs at that notion and says it's about personality and showing people that you will not stand for them holding up the process. It's always worked for him, even when he gets stopped by police and they try to give him some bull crap story to try and secure a bribe. He just sticks to the facts of the issue and people back down. I believe everything you said because I've heard the same for people trying to get residency in Morocco but it wasn't my experience. I wish you luck.

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Your hubs CLEARLY knows the lay of the land. He understands how the Moroccan system works and his role in it. I just wish in Italy things were that clear cut.

Man, I hope you guys are able to go back for a visit, now that we’re pulling out of this Covid nosedive.

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We may try to go this summer. I'm fully vaccinated, my husband is a week away from his second shot and I'm scheduling my two oldest kids ASAP. I'm not playing these games anymore.

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No, you're not! And I'm so so grateful for it.

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Have you and John been able to get your shots? If so, which one? We are all getting Pfizer, which was my first choice.

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