I know you must have watched his documentary, Religulous!!!! That was the BEST thing. Ever. Funny. Appalling. Insightful. And I've got to hand it to Maher. He may be kind of jackass, but the guy has cojones the size of Christmas hams. It's HARD to go against your own kind, pissing off people on both sides of the aisle. He does it with impunity.
I know you must have watched his documentary, Religulous!!!! That was the BEST thing. Ever. Funny. Appalling. Insightful. And I've got to hand it to Maher. He may be kind of jackass, but the guy has cojones the size of Christmas hams. It's HARD to go against your own kind, pissing off people on both sides of the aisle. He does it with impunity.
I adore him. I told Adam when we got married that Maher was my one cheating without penalty chit. Adam and as fine with that because, well, it’s Bill Maher and I am the only person on the planet that thinks he is sexy in addition to being smart as fuck and brave and well spoken.
I know you must have watched his documentary, Religulous!!!! That was the BEST thing. Ever. Funny. Appalling. Insightful. And I've got to hand it to Maher. He may be kind of jackass, but the guy has cojones the size of Christmas hams. It's HARD to go against your own kind, pissing off people on both sides of the aisle. He does it with impunity.
I adore him. I told Adam when we got married that Maher was my one cheating without penalty chit. Adam and as fine with that because, well, it’s Bill Maher and I am the only person on the planet that thinks he is sexy in addition to being smart as fuck and brave and well spoken.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Done! Okay, so here’s some drool-worthy information for you. John’s ex, Micki, dated Maher! You’ll have to ask John about it.
OMG! Yes let’s reserve time when I am in Amelia 😆