There are as many versions of pettole as there are Pugliese Nonna. My padrona (landlordess) makes a savory with prezzemolo e cippola. Parsley (lots chopped very fine and onions fried until translucent). A second version is heavy on the garlic instead of onions ( like 6 cloves minimum). That version had me smelling like garlic for days. Figured I was safe from vampire attacks.

Plain version they remind me of Sopaipillas. Not as fluffy. Gawd I miss Sopaipillas!! I guess I am going to have to DIY

Reply below for the recipe (stolen) from Panchos chain

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My grandmother-in-law Scrudato (1911-1998) made these every Christmas in New Jersey! But she rolled or pressed the dough out and cut it into tiny cubes before frying, drizzled with honey and sprinkled with colored sugar!

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The type of question I'm asking here (critical thinkink) is why I left the JWs (well, one of the MANY reasons!)

If Dec. 7 is "The feast of the Immaculate Conception" (and I'm assuming it's the one where Mary becomes pregnant with Jesus)

How is it that they celebrate his birth 22 days later?

Or is JC really an alien?

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In the pantheon of weird religious holidays immaculate conception holds the 1st prize. Let me translate into the "fallen away catholic (or in my case pushed) language" aka rational thought.

2023 years ago an unmarried 14 year old Jewish girl gets knocked up. In a Jewish world big no no. She comes up with "God impregnated me." Now obviously no rational human believed her. So her parents arrange a quicky marriage to some poor old Joe Blow who wanted a wife and was willing to overlook a protruding belly.

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OMG! When I was a kid growing up in New York my nonna always made them for the holidays. We called then Zapples. And she made some with anchovies, some with olives and some with peppers! God I miss them!

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