That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. And I don't get why folks, taken on the aggregate, have their heads in the sand. I will say, however, that the media often screech that the sky is falling just to jack up ratings, so maybe what we've got here is a "crying wolf" situation. Now that the wolf is here, no one's listening.

Instead of mixing metaphors, I mixed fables (Chicken Little/Boy Who Cried Wolf). That's a first.

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I have been posting articles about the forthcoming fascist takeover and the GOP's desire to stuff Christianity down the throats of all Americans until my friends on social media are sick and tired of me. It's frightening how complacent and "can't happen here" and cavalier about the situation most people seem to be.

Hard to get through the complacency, especially when there is so much anxiety about omicron. Almost twenty vaccinated, boosted, careful friends have omicron right now.

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I'm running across the same mulish resistance, Caroline. No one wants to hear about it, read about it, or think about it. I don't care. If we don't do our part to raise the hue and cry, we're not good for much. So keep on keeping on, sister.

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Three books that I'm a big fan of that are directly relevant to this.

Robert Altemeyer, "The Authoritarians" (free for the download.)


Robert O. Paxton, "The Anatomy of Fascism" (which, as it turns out, is also free for the download)


Levitsky and Zablatt, "How Democracies Die"


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I'm SO SO glad you posted these here. Altemeyer's book should be required reading. It's mind-blowing. I didn't know Paxton's was free (I'm downloading it now). I'll put Levitsky and Zablatt's tome on my reading list.

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