Giorgia Meloni is what you might get if Marjorie Trailer Greene miraculously learned how to speak Italian (unlikely to happen, as she can barely speak English). Meloni appears to have all the compassion and charm that Trailer Greene possesses (which is to say none).

And there's nothing neo-fascist about Meloni and her party. She's just plain fascist and may well turn out to be Mussolini in a cheap dress. I can hardly wait to see her dangling from a lamp post- metaphorically speaking, of course. 😳

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Donald Trump in a dress.

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Well, it didn't work out too well for Mussolini and it WILL set women in politics back by EONS.

I guess we're going to have to do this again.

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Goddamnit. I keep hitting buttons and everything I've just written disappears.

I sometimes wonder if a use for a constitutional monarch is as a magnet for the cult of personality types. These latter are an essential part of the populist base in all forms of fascism. Maybe if they had a focus for that kind of attention that was just a fancy suit with no other power than to smile and wave (wrist-wrist, elbow-elbow) real fascists would have a harder time of gaining traction. I guess the hope now is that fascist Italian government collapses quickly, before they do any real damage or leave people looking around for ropes and street lamps.

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Wow, I knew Italian politics was messy but messy is an understatement.

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This is an excellent detailing of Italian politics. I had only the vaguest idea of how complex it is in Italy. This Meloni woman is yet another example of the depressingly enduring appeal that the worse ideas in history continue to hold. Economic insecurity is a timeless breeding ground for the fear and othering of immigrants. Like others have expressed here, our best hope is that Italy's chaotic brand of politics will make her reign as brief and unremarkable as possible.

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Nice breakdown of the crazy Italian ( or perhaps more accurately the Fellini) political scene.

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“Never trust a blonde-haired Italian”… ;)

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Stacey, This is excellent writing and so frightening because I deeply love Italy. Others here have expressed my feelings so well. This upsets me so much I find it difficult to write about so I am glad others here and you Stacey have expressed my same sentiments. We must all stay strong and continue speaking out for the ideas, ideals, and countries that we love.

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