I was just sitting in Planned Parenthood today waiting for my son to get his testosterone script refill and I thought of you. I thought, well I haven't read Cappuccino in a while, I hope she's okay. And here you are.

I had pneumonia once (not that long ago) when I was a starving single mom and a Pilates instructor. I had to teach Pilates anyway. It is one of my greatest accomplishments. At least Pilates is lying down.

This past summer I got Covid while in Canada at my Dad's house. I think I got it on the plane on the way there. I had this one magical day of lying in bed in a corner room with the windows open and cool breezes blowing through. He lives on an island in the St. Lawrence. I shamelessly read The Two Mrs. Grenvilles all day long. And he brought me dinner (I am 61 and he is 84 so this was very kind of him). No one ever makes me any food or takes care of me in any way and it was the most wonderful day I've had in a while.

I guess my point is, the library isn't going anywhere. Relax into it. It will be a memory soon. : )

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Does Aldi exist in NYC? If it does, their fair trade Sumatra coffee is pretty good for when you are so déclassé as to make it at home (as I do.) Don't know if that information will make anything better, but it is what I've got at the moment. Take care of yourself.

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Where can I place my order

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Poor you. Just focus on bettering. when you're back on your feet, you'll own this town. and find the cappuccino or coffee you need to be whole again. New York ain't goin no damn where.

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That french fries holder...the horror, the horror!!! What a great way to encourage people to increase their consumption of fat-rich fast foods.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Yes, and just barely moving a finger to grab them and add to your daily calorie total.

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"[T]he frightful but delicious horror of French fry/cell phone/ketchup holders?" OMG, now that you've seen them, doesn't it make you wonder how you survived for so long in Italy without one? This is America, the land of innovation, where things that have no business being paired with other things are indeed paired with those things. I mean, ferchrissakes, we gave the world the Flowbee- a hair dryer AND a lawn mower!!

Sure, we average two mass shootings a day, but can you have Taco Bell delivered to your door in Amelia? I think not. And we may have Republicans climbing all up in women's vaginas, but Fedex will deliver pretty much anything your heart desires overnight. Try getting that through Italian customs.

Seriously, I hope you feel better soon. I'd hate to think we're going to have to start a GoFundMe to find a priest for you. Take care of yourself, drink plenty of fluids, and remember to take plenty of sponge baths administered by fit young men with strong hands. Or John.🤗

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Oy.... So, you're down for the count, but applying for jobs because, well, part of your brain is functioning. What kind of jobs?

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In all fairness, Italy has Thai food. Tex-Mex and Uber, just not in Amelia. )) In our house in Spoleto we have a flow-through heater so the supply of hot water is limitless, while in our flat in London we have a water heater like the one you had in Italy. Go figure. There’s also AC in NY that we don’t have either in Italy or London. Get better!

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Welcome back to my phone! But miss you at Russo! Non vedo l’ora….☕️

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I was so relieved to read that you are resting and recovering. Your description of pneumonia is perfect. Lots of love ❤️

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One has to wonder how many folks dip their cell phone into the ketchup.......

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Stacey; This is your friend Rene from fbook, hello! 😄 Listen, you must get better immediately. There's no "ifs or buts" about it. I just found your fantastic Cappuccino and I'm drinking all of it with maximum pleasure 🔥. I love your style, I really do. It's poignant and it bites. I'm also here and would love to hear your critique on my short stories. If you can, check them out. It would mean a lot. www.renegvolpi.substack.com.

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