You activate it by just a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips

You bring your knees in tight


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BAHAHAHAHAHA! I was hoping it would light up if I stood too close to a microwave...

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I cannot tell you the joy I felt when I saw the title of this post. Yay! I will admit that, when conversing about the vaccines we throw away in the U.S. on a daily basis, I have often brought up "my friend who lives in Italy". (I know we've never met, but to me a face to face doesn't make a friendship.) Now when my sister or aunt ask if my friend in Italy was able to get vaccinated yet I can say YES! I am relieved and thankful you finally got the jab.

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We ARE friends and sisters! I have always felt that way about you, Cheri. It's your shy, sweet heart that just shines forth in all that you do. Thank you so so much for caring about my welfare. It means the world to me. And yes, I'm thankful to have finally gotten the jab!

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"During hunting season, the train whistle might scare away grouse.

So now, we scour the Internet for ... "

I was so hoping that sentence would end with "grouse."

My vax was through the VA, and they used J&J's Jannsen, which is a single shot dose. I know a few folks who were really sore after their shots, some others who went through a couple days of fatigue. All I got was a wicked jones for pizza, which I was able to satisfy (carry out) from the local, family owned joint.

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Admittedly, that would have been AWESOME. Equally awesome is the fact that you had pizza afterward. I'm pretty sure pizza cures all ills.

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T-Moes is the only reason (short of your vehicle running on fumes) to get off I-57 at the Johnston City exit.

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Another great article Stacey, keep up the great work!

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