What an ordeal! I’m glad you stuck to your guns, and shot your way out of the bloody red tape. Your tenacity paid off in spades. I wish you and John well on your next adventure, without sheisters, smug lawyers, or hospital visits. May green pastures await. XO ❤️
All too familiar story to a NYer. Bless you for toughing it out. And by the way, even though you agreed to leave--on Halloween of all dates--you could weasel your way into a few more months before they could actually physically get rid of you. As you said: the laws strongly favor the tenant. I guess you're aware of that but would prefer, wisely, to cut your wins and leave well-enough alone.
I imagine that, if NY were more like Texas, we'd have another 250,000 homeless in the streets. My suggestion: get the hell out of Manhattan. My rent for a 1BR in Sunnyside is under 2,200--half the average in Manhattan. And as you know, we have a lovely authentic Italian restaurant two blocks away. Hope to see you kids the last half of June. xoxo
Holy crap, what a story! SOOO glad you won in the end. A year w/o rent - kudos to you for sticking to your guns, though I'm so sorry you had to go through the shit show to get there. And bravo to the co-op board for choosing the right side!
I agree with Greg below - I REALLY hope you both get to return to Italy. As you may recall, I had a beloved rent-stabilized 1BR apt. in equally beloved Astoria for 10 years. I left for OH last month at the end of my lease, and bought a house with my partner. We're ridiculously excited, and though I'll miss NYC, I get to go back quarterly for work (until they learn and pretend it matters I'm no longer based in NYC), so I get my fix in 4x/year. Then it's back to suburbia, which thus far, isn't so bad!
Hope you're feeling better these days and getting SOME enjoyment out of The Big Apple.
Hope you can get a digital nomad gig that pays enough to return to Italy. I get burned out on the hassles here, but your article sure puts things in perspective.
As one of the millions I can empathize. This win must be bliss after the past months but I can imagine the stress “Oct 31st” must cause. Did you choose Halloween on purpose? 😂 give my best to John and snag some for yourself. Recently I have found (what I think is) a sustainable solution for myself. And if you two ever consider leaving NYC for a small town, I will gladly pass on the information. As a teaser, you can get a gist here, https://open.substack.com/pub/joannemccobb/p/meteoroid-to-meteorite?r=1el50p&utm_medium=ios
I should probably re-read it before sharing but too late now because I’m not going to re-write this comment!
I knew - I KNEW - that behind all the hints and vagueries there was a mind-blowing story brewing, and I hoped we would read it one day. Even this only teases at the exhaustion and exultation, and I don't think my heart could take much more. Well done, sister.
Damn! I figured the move from Italy to NYC would be a struggle but didn't realize just how much of a struggle. I'm so sorry my friend. Hang in there. I wish I had better advice but as you already know NYC might was well be a foreign country for me.
What an ordeal! I’m glad you stuck to your guns, and shot your way out of the bloody red tape. Your tenacity paid off in spades. I wish you and John well on your next adventure, without sheisters, smug lawyers, or hospital visits. May green pastures await. XO ❤️
All too familiar story to a NYer. Bless you for toughing it out. And by the way, even though you agreed to leave--on Halloween of all dates--you could weasel your way into a few more months before they could actually physically get rid of you. As you said: the laws strongly favor the tenant. I guess you're aware of that but would prefer, wisely, to cut your wins and leave well-enough alone.
I imagine that, if NY were more like Texas, we'd have another 250,000 homeless in the streets. My suggestion: get the hell out of Manhattan. My rent for a 1BR in Sunnyside is under 2,200--half the average in Manhattan. And as you know, we have a lovely authentic Italian restaurant two blocks away. Hope to see you kids the last half of June. xoxo
Holy crap, what a story! SOOO glad you won in the end. A year w/o rent - kudos to you for sticking to your guns, though I'm so sorry you had to go through the shit show to get there. And bravo to the co-op board for choosing the right side!
I agree with Greg below - I REALLY hope you both get to return to Italy. As you may recall, I had a beloved rent-stabilized 1BR apt. in equally beloved Astoria for 10 years. I left for OH last month at the end of my lease, and bought a house with my partner. We're ridiculously excited, and though I'll miss NYC, I get to go back quarterly for work (until they learn and pretend it matters I'm no longer based in NYC), so I get my fix in 4x/year. Then it's back to suburbia, which thus far, isn't so bad!
Hope you're feeling better these days and getting SOME enjoyment out of The Big Apple.
Hugs from Ohio...
Wynne Gavin
Hope you can get a digital nomad gig that pays enough to return to Italy. I get burned out on the hassles here, but your article sure puts things in perspective.
As one of the millions I can empathize. This win must be bliss after the past months but I can imagine the stress “Oct 31st” must cause. Did you choose Halloween on purpose? 😂 give my best to John and snag some for yourself. Recently I have found (what I think is) a sustainable solution for myself. And if you two ever consider leaving NYC for a small town, I will gladly pass on the information. As a teaser, you can get a gist here, https://open.substack.com/pub/joannemccobb/p/meteoroid-to-meteorite?r=1el50p&utm_medium=ios
I should probably re-read it before sharing but too late now because I’m not going to re-write this comment!
I knew - I KNEW - that behind all the hints and vagueries there was a mind-blowing story brewing, and I hoped we would read it one day. Even this only teases at the exhaustion and exultation, and I don't think my heart could take much more. Well done, sister.
Jayzus. And don't you hate to put your skills, nature and character into a fiasco when they are meant for higher purposes?
Well done, you!!
Holy heck, Stacey.
I mean...just, holy heck!
I hope you're feeling well now! Beautiful story.
You, my dear, are my new hero. Well done. 🦸♀️
Damn! I figured the move from Italy to NYC would be a struggle but didn't realize just how much of a struggle. I'm so sorry my friend. Hang in there. I wish I had better advice but as you already know NYC might was well be a foreign country for me.