I wholly agree with your points of view. There are things that automatically should be off limits for profit. Education and healthcare for sure! When it comes to taxes, the safety net is, and has been geared for the rich to hoard and hide money, while the middle class actually fuels the economy with spending just to play the game to survive. Ass backwards and utterly fucked up! Corporations have never given out Golden parachutes to society as a whole, quite the opposite. The trickle down theory has been a mere golden shower from the swollen prostrates of greedy CEO’s. It doesn’t work. Once you’re born, you’re automatically in the game of debt. So suit up, put your helmet on and hope you score a touchdown. Shit, banks would attach a credit card to your birth certificate if they could. We’re all just a number($) that fills the coffers of capitalism. There is zero balance in America’s account pertaining to easy access to education and a healthy society. Mentally and physically we have become a sick nation codified by egregious inequality, racism, greed and religious ideological fanaticism. The greatest country on earth? Hardly! What’s great about daily mass shootings, homelessness, inequality, racism, division, and conspiratorial nut jobs making laws? So yes, education is thee most important thing a human being should have unobstructed access to ingest. Without it, America will stay constipated with the status quo of sub par turds sitting on the throne trying to pass their shit on society. Argh!
I love the fact that the White House released all those loan amounts that the criminal GOP members had forgiven. Finally a thrust that is simple, unmistakable and direct. Looking forward to hear what they say about it. I predict they will pretend not to have heard. Right about now, the FBI's affidavit of getting the search warrant for 45 should be being released. Popcorn's on the stove.
First of all, POPCORN. I'd cut a bitch for some decent popcorn right now. Second, the Dems are playing some deep Yahtzee this election season, and I, for one, LIKE IT.
The people who object to student loan forgiveness, as you noted, offered nary a peep at gov't giveaways to the super rich, including Trump's $1,000,000,000,000.00 (that's TRILLION) dollar tax give away. This goes back over 45 years.
As Saint Ronald the RayGun first came to political power in California, there was an explicitly stated concern that the then free education available at the UC system was enabling plebians and proletarians to become college educated. Well, the Divine Saint put an end to that, and the movement that was already spreading simply caught fire.
The whole point of paid tuition is to ensure that only the elite and privileged who CAN pay are allowed to go to college. Those who are neither elite nor privileged who dare to cross the line are kept in their servile positions by a life time of debt.
What what can only be generously characterized as the stupidest of luck, I was able to pay off my student loans with a savings account that I'd forgotten I even had. (They asked me three times what I wanted to do with it; the first two times I dismissed as a bureaucratic error.) It is only because I paid it off that I was able to qualify for early social security (although I believe the laws around that had actually changed by that time.)
The viciously, pathologically selfishness demonstrated by persons sniveling over this loan forgiveness program is altogether disgusting; the more so because it is such a tedious retread of the same sniveling from the past.
Sorry to be so late to the post, But EVERYTHING you've said here, Stacey. I would also take to task those ever exacting Leftists who also disparage Biden over his student loan decision because it, "doesn't go far enough," and doesn't eliminate all student debt. I count myself as being to the Left but these holier-than-thou ingrates really irk me. Why in the hell can these people take a win as a win, without immediately pivoting to what's still wrong? It's as if they're competing to demonstrate their unyielding adherence to Marxist orthodoxy, and their complete myopia to common sense. It's this type of needling grousing that suppressed any chance of enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and contributed to Trump winning. We managed to get Biden elected because of Trump's awfulness, but now two years out and many Leftists go in harder on Biden than they ever did on Trump. Thankfully, I believe most of us are better than that.
EVERY WORD YOU WROTE. It drives me mad, the instant bitching, puling, and whingeing and then how quickly they turn on their own. I understand their impatience. I do. But few on the left value true incrementalism. If you move too fast, you break things (contrary what Zuckerberg says). More importantly, you set yourself up for a wicked backlash.
Better that forward momentum--much like a diet--goes slowly and patiently. Better that they don't see us coming.
I wholly agree with your points of view. There are things that automatically should be off limits for profit. Education and healthcare for sure! When it comes to taxes, the safety net is, and has been geared for the rich to hoard and hide money, while the middle class actually fuels the economy with spending just to play the game to survive. Ass backwards and utterly fucked up! Corporations have never given out Golden parachutes to society as a whole, quite the opposite. The trickle down theory has been a mere golden shower from the swollen prostrates of greedy CEO’s. It doesn’t work. Once you’re born, you’re automatically in the game of debt. So suit up, put your helmet on and hope you score a touchdown. Shit, banks would attach a credit card to your birth certificate if they could. We’re all just a number($) that fills the coffers of capitalism. There is zero balance in America’s account pertaining to easy access to education and a healthy society. Mentally and physically we have become a sick nation codified by egregious inequality, racism, greed and religious ideological fanaticism. The greatest country on earth? Hardly! What’s great about daily mass shootings, homelessness, inequality, racism, division, and conspiratorial nut jobs making laws? So yes, education is thee most important thing a human being should have unobstructed access to ingest. Without it, America will stay constipated with the status quo of sub par turds sitting on the throne trying to pass their shit on society. Argh!
And the saddest thing is? We don't even realize how badly we are being screwed. Healthcare alone. We have no idea.
Completely agree! You said it all. Education and healthcare are human rights. Period.
They're never going to give them to us in the U.S., I'm afraid. We're going to have to take them.
Period. End of story. Any questions? SHADDUP!!!
***inserts backhand here*** LOL!
So we have no problem bailing out Big Business...but bailing out people is a huge no-no??
Education should not be limited to those with the means to afford it- unless, of course, you WANT a two-tiered society.
Here's my take: https://cowboybars.substack.com/p/ayn-rand-doesnt-live-here-anymore
Hey, Cappuccinis, if you haven't read Jack's pieces, you're in for a treat. Go get 'em. He keeps an impressive publishing schedule, too.
I love the fact that the White House released all those loan amounts that the criminal GOP members had forgiven. Finally a thrust that is simple, unmistakable and direct. Looking forward to hear what they say about it. I predict they will pretend not to have heard. Right about now, the FBI's affidavit of getting the search warrant for 45 should be being released. Popcorn's on the stove.
First of all, POPCORN. I'd cut a bitch for some decent popcorn right now. Second, the Dems are playing some deep Yahtzee this election season, and I, for one, LIKE IT.
The people who object to student loan forgiveness, as you noted, offered nary a peep at gov't giveaways to the super rich, including Trump's $1,000,000,000,000.00 (that's TRILLION) dollar tax give away. This goes back over 45 years.
As Saint Ronald the RayGun first came to political power in California, there was an explicitly stated concern that the then free education available at the UC system was enabling plebians and proletarians to become college educated. Well, the Divine Saint put an end to that, and the movement that was already spreading simply caught fire.
The whole point of paid tuition is to ensure that only the elite and privileged who CAN pay are allowed to go to college. Those who are neither elite nor privileged who dare to cross the line are kept in their servile positions by a life time of debt.
What what can only be generously characterized as the stupidest of luck, I was able to pay off my student loans with a savings account that I'd forgotten I even had. (They asked me three times what I wanted to do with it; the first two times I dismissed as a bureaucratic error.) It is only because I paid it off that I was able to qualify for early social security (although I believe the laws around that had actually changed by that time.)
The viciously, pathologically selfishness demonstrated by persons sniveling over this loan forgiveness program is altogether disgusting; the more so because it is such a tedious retread of the same sniveling from the past.
That's a badass story about your lost savings account! May we all discover one of those.
!00% to everything else you stated so eloquently.
Also? I hated Raygun.
Sorry to be so late to the post, But EVERYTHING you've said here, Stacey. I would also take to task those ever exacting Leftists who also disparage Biden over his student loan decision because it, "doesn't go far enough," and doesn't eliminate all student debt. I count myself as being to the Left but these holier-than-thou ingrates really irk me. Why in the hell can these people take a win as a win, without immediately pivoting to what's still wrong? It's as if they're competing to demonstrate their unyielding adherence to Marxist orthodoxy, and their complete myopia to common sense. It's this type of needling grousing that suppressed any chance of enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and contributed to Trump winning. We managed to get Biden elected because of Trump's awfulness, but now two years out and many Leftists go in harder on Biden than they ever did on Trump. Thankfully, I believe most of us are better than that.
EVERY WORD YOU WROTE. It drives me mad, the instant bitching, puling, and whingeing and then how quickly they turn on their own. I understand their impatience. I do. But few on the left value true incrementalism. If you move too fast, you break things (contrary what Zuckerberg says). More importantly, you set yourself up for a wicked backlash.
Better that forward momentum--much like a diet--goes slowly and patiently. Better that they don't see us coming.