"What happens in Russia could happen anywhere, even the United States, if enough people remain silent, or fail to stem a very dark tide." Indeed. Evil can only triumph when good people stand by and do nothing, and the time has come to determine how to remove Vladimir Putin by any means necessary. Yes, America is a nation of laws and morals, but sometimes when you're faced with abject evil, one must do whatever's necessary to be rid of that evil.

I'm not smart enough to understand all of the capabilities we have at our disposal, but I do know that Vladimir Putin needs killing like no one else in the 21st century. Period. If Russia won't do it, then it falls to the rest of the free world to remove the biggest threat to freedom. Sometimes, the only way to save the world from a monster is to kill it. It shouldn't take the destruction of Ukraine to realize that.

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When Ukraine makes sweeping pronouncements about how the war is going to end and Putin will be removed from power, I wonder. He showed his entire ass by invading Ukraine. We know now how powerful he's not. But on the other hand, he's been a formidable foe in the past. Wish I had any of the answers.

If something awful were to happen to him, however, I would cheer.

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I'd be right next to you with a megaphone, gurl. :-)

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This was really hard to read. In the first column, at least the people who were murdered were adults. Murdering the wives and children of dissidents is so disgustingly cruel that I cried my way through this one.

I posted a link to the first column on my FB page, hoping that some of my friends will read it. Dear Gods......

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I agree. His methods have become evermore brutal. He's trying desperately to send a message. I'm just not sure his message is being received.

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Quick note on Biden's popularity: He and Macron share numbers, yet Macron was able to handily defeat Le Pen.

Info seeping out of the J6 committee indicates some pretty damning conclusions will be delivered prior to the '22 Congressional elections. I'm not sure it will happen soon enough to effect this voting cycle (though I do suspect they are timing things so that it will), once criminal charges are referred to the DOJ they can't be "unreferred" should the Dems lose the house.

Even if the Dems lose both Senate and House this November, it won't be by sufficient numbers to stove-pipe a Constitutional amendment through. And referring one to the states is a very lengthy (and uncertain) process. Of greater concern would be a call for a Constitutional *convention*, in which the Constitution gets rewritten from the ground up. This is an idea that has been mooted before.

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You've made some great points here, Gary. Despite all the doom and gloom predictions there are nuggets of hope too. For what it's worth, at this point, I'm not overly concerned about Biden's poll numbers. What people tend not to consider is that 1st, it's over two years away from the 2024 election, so many variables can change by then, including in Biden's favor. 2ndly, These polls projecting Biden trailing hypothetical opponents are just that, hypothetical. No one know for sure how Biden will do against an ACTUAL opponent. And I believe that he'll do better than a lot of people expect, indeed unless something significant changes I expect that he will be reelected.

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ALL TRUE. While the numbers depress me, like you, I'm reminded of the fact that we're still 2 1/2 years out, and any damn thing could happen.

But then, ANY damn thing could happen.

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I just think that for some reason, the mainstream media simply doesn't give Biden the credit that he's due. This is why I think his poll numbers are so low. The now late great Eric Bolert was incisive in his ability to expose how the media holds Biden, and the Democrats, to a different and unfair standard than they do Republicans. As only one example, under Biden Covid, while still active and still some risk, has essentially been tamed. Society has basically opened up again, the economy, despite inflation, is roaring. But listening to the news you'd barely be aware of this. But you just know that if Trump had these same things happening the same news media would be proclaiming that his policies are working. It's maddening and it's helping the far right, however unintentional I think it is. In any case, despite all of this, come 2024 I think that Biden will do fine against whoever they send against him, especially since they keep going more and more extreme, indeed this is the best thing that Democrats have going for them.

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Thank you for that, Gares. I needed to be reminded of that fact. Macron won handily, despite the advances that she-beast made.

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This two part series of posts is as masterfully observed and creatively rendered as it is deeply unnerving. There is a frightening sense of homicidal impunity to see the victims of Putin listed and summarized in consecutive posts, with such incisive alacrity. To read it is to understand that the very worst evil is that which has become disconcertingly familiar; misleading banality has been among Putin's greatest advantages.

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With you usual perception, you understood at once what I was trying to do: consolidate the information and present the information all at once. When we read news articles, it's one guy here, two guys there. But when you see at least some of the people he's murdered (and this is hardly a comprehensive list), then it becomes immediately apparent what a raving madman he is. And that's important.

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