Robbing banks has never been a particularly good way of getting cash. There's never enough to get you very far, there are too many variables (too many things can go wrong), and people in power take a really dim view of it as a form of employment. On the other hand, if the assholes cut my social security, since it is considered a federal crime it is on the list of possible options for my "alternative government subsidized retirement." (Federal is important: really do not want to end up in any state pens.)
I was wondering about how they got in (and out!) of the bank as well. That part sounded like a Three Stooges routine. I can just hear the "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk" as they drove off.
If you're going to do something, even commit a crime, why not do it with "elegance and civility?" No one likes a boor.
Right? It's equally possible, however, that I watched Errol Flynn's Robin Hood one too many times when I was growing up.
Robbing banks has never been a particularly good way of getting cash. There's never enough to get you very far, there are too many variables (too many things can go wrong), and people in power take a really dim view of it as a form of employment. On the other hand, if the assholes cut my social security, since it is considered a federal crime it is on the list of possible options for my "alternative government subsidized retirement." (Federal is important: really do not want to end up in any state pens.)
I was wondering about how they got in (and out!) of the bank as well. That part sounded like a Three Stooges routine. I can just hear the "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk" as they drove off.
If they cut your social security, Gares, it's GAME ON.