Ciao Stacey - when I see your email in my inbox I immediately feel a sense of anticipation for a good read! The first article of yours that I read was the one that described how you ended up in Italy. I loved it! I am hoping to move to Italy in the near future. Have a nice and relaxing holiday in Italy (where I wish I were right now!) and see you next year!

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Well, for articles, we can start with WHY IS THEIR NO CINNAMON ON THAT CAPPUCCINO!?!?!?!

A Topic for an Article:

"Lost and Found" -- Here I mean on a more personal, existential level, as opposed to the missing sock or the reason your ear-rings (do you even wear them?) don't match. For example, you moved to Italy. In the process, did you discover that you felt "lost" in Houston? Have you ever felt, or explored, the sense of being "lost" as in being stuck some place that doesn't even feel like a place? Did you realize it at the time, or was it only after you "found" "home" that the sense of existential dysphasia really became apparent?

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