"So, what you’re basically getting here is advice from a failure."

Hardly. You, if nothing else, at least possess the self-awareness to recognize your shortcomings. That's half the battle. If you can see it, you can beat it. Or at least change it for the better.

Social media makes it SO much easier to interact with all sorts of people, which is a real plus. On the downside is that it also exposes you to people who don't have two functioning brain cells to rub together. My challenge is to know when to push myself aware from the keyboard instead of engaging in a flame war. Telling someone off might make me feel better, but will it change hearts and minds. Unlikely. HIGHLY unlikely.

What bothers me about cancel culture is that we seem to have lost sight of the fact that we're all human, ego we ALL fuck up BIGLY at some point. Do we toss someone aside when they screw the pooch? Or do we accept their apology and allow them a second chance...which is something ALL of us would hope for if/when we screw up.

Compassion isn't a sign of weakness, and forgiveness is a sign of maturity. We need to be able to recognize that to err is human, but to REALLY fuck up takes Twitter or Facebook. Sometimes, we need to ask ourselves what we'd hope would happen if we were to be the one in the hot seat.

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"To err is human, but to REALLY fuck up takes Twitter or Facebook." I need this on a T-shirt. Oh, my friend, the things I have written to right-wing trolls would TRULY curl your hair.

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Been there. Done that. The only thing I'm missing IS the t-shirt. ;-)

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Aug 31, 2021Liked by Stacey Eskelin

I cannot comment as I have lost all my senses and have gone blind in one eye after watching the Folgers coffee commercials 💀😵

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Victoria, you made me legitimately laugh so hard, I choked! I had a similar reaction to those godawful ads. But they are a powerful reminder of how far we've come--and yes, how much farther we have to go.

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