I've always loved the "being recruited" to write someone's "great idea." Shit, y'all...I can barely manage my own hare-brained, half-baked ideas, much less the "great idea" of someone whose head I've yet to spend ANY time in. People who ask me that impress me as people who clearly have NO FUCKING CLUE as to what the writing process entails, or how it's unique to each individual writer. You never know; that person might have to sacrifice a goat (or a virgin) prior to setting themselves in front of a laptop. Do you REALLY want any part of that??

I didn't think so. ;-)

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WORD. My days of getting buttonholed at some party by an endlessly bloviating nincompoop are, thankfully, over. Now, I just look them straight in the eye and say, "I only write books about devil worship."

That seems to do the trick.

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“I only write sex manuals for necrophiliac dwarves. It’s a growing niche market. In Lithuania.” 🙄😳

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Oddly enough, I've always enjoyed the writing process -- once I got started. Understand that the only "real" publications I have are academic ones (I agree, the self-published piece doesn't really count.) I spent a year unable to write anything because an editor insisted I get this one essay that I felt was unsalvageable prepped for publication. But once I was past that block, I burned through the diss like Sherman marching through Georgia. I even built in break times to give myself a breather. Doing 'Quantum' with Randy there were a few moments when I despaired of ever having the needed insight (and then I did.)

"Shutting down the static so I can concentrate is the first step to getting my writing done." -- Yeah, that's the thing for me as well. My way of doing that is the exact opposite of most folks, though. I basically wrote my diss with Metalica blasting at 9. This current piece of fiction I'm working on I've assembled an entire "soundtrack" on Spotify for mood music.

Thanks for this interview!

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You do some HIGH END writing. Technical, yes, but I have to think breaking down abstract concepts into bite-sized, laymen’s pieces is the real challenge.

You’re also a fabulous writer. Even your messages are a joy to read. So, there’s that.

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