So where does a man go to his life, his reputation, and/or his years of potential lost earnings back? You can't very well drop someone back in the world with an "OOPS!! OUR BAD!!" pseudo-apologia and expect everyone to go away happy. Our justice system has never been perfect, but its clear and obvious racial bias is sickening. And I have a feeling that Sebold's silence is due to the fact that she knows she'll be eviscerated (deservedly so) no matter what she does. It doesn't take much to wonder how she can live with the guilt of knowing what she's done and the racial overtones of it.

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I live in an absolute bubble. More than just for the obvious reason of being in a medieval hilltop town. I'm talking about my own appalling ignorance of just how many white women out there are secretly racist. It's so much more than I ever would have thought. It just didn't seem that way because the company I keep is distinctly NOT racist.

Veils, eyes, torn. I see it all now. I see Alice Sebold.

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Stranger eyewitness identification is total bullshit, even without the race factor involved.

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Sebold's silence is deafening and confounding. I won't say infuriating yet, because at this point we don't know why she's not come forward. She was legitimately violated only not by who she fingered. What I hope is not happening is a very personal version of White guilt, where she's not stepping up to apologize because she feels guilty about her role in this injustice. Questions about what she may owe Broadwater financially not withstanding, whatever the reason for her blankness, or the risk of acknowledging her error, for sake of simple decency she needs to apologize.

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Everything you just said. And yet no apology is thus far made, and every hour that ticks by, every day where what she did goes unaddressed, is another nail in her coffin, as far as I'm concerned. Look, I wanted to really let her have it in this article. This was me behaving CIRCUMSPECTLY. But it was hard. Because her silence is deafening.

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Stacey, I can find nothing in your perspective to disagree with. There's no requirement to give her, "the benefit of a doubt." It's entirely possible that I'm giving her too much latitude. But grace only last so long, and as you've noted every passing hour that she hasn't responded is to her own detriment. Because sometimes, not assertively acting is essentially passively acting.

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Ew, recently read about this elsewhere and was supremely disgusted......with the entire perverted account of injustice...... LUCKILY set right due to the keen eye and mind of Mr. Mucciante. Frightening. And, yes, remuneration is in order on her part. Still, Sebold had better speak up soon, and intelligently, before her life goes on an even worse bad turn. Or maybe she'll just write a book about it.............(◔_◔)

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We're waiting, aren't we? Every day that goes by just makes it look worse and worse. I get that she was young and traumatized. But she's a grown woman now. Sebold should have addressed this YEARS ago.

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