Actual cappuccino made for me after I sheepishly explained that yes, I am American, which is why I was ordering one after 3PM. Italians would never ever do that. It’s crass. This is why I appreciated the effort and the artistry of this particular cappuccino, which was also delicious.
I had two of those suckers this morning, and hand to God, I can smell colors.
In any event, as a douceur, I will leave you with my favorite funny memes (I have a perverse sense of humor) and photos of the week, and a promise that fresh cappuccini are coming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I can’t wait to discuss them with you and read your comments.
Happy Labor Day, y’all.
From The New Yorker
Four wildly disreputable (mostly) Italian jazz musicians after a gig in Pescara. John’s in the uber-cool, backward-facing hat.
John is wearing a baseball cap.