Cappuccino is Taking the Day Off to Celebrate Not Celebrating
But if I were you, I'd duct tape the remote control to your hand now.
This is Cappuccino’s second Thanksgiving, which feels awesome, and to honor that, time is traditionally taken off to drink half a swimming pool of coffee, catch up on essential reading, and most importantly, not stare at a blinking cursor on a computer screen.
Sometimes the pressure cooker that is my brain needs to power down, and since most of you will have your arms halfway up the business end of a turkey, I thought now would be as good a time as any to say, “Go forth and practice the sin of gluttony.”
Also traditional is me sharing this meme with you. It’s my favorite.
So, I’ll catch up with you next week and we can have a chat about anything you like. You know I’m always open to suggestions. Meanwhile, try a Game of Thrones power grab for the remote before anybody else gets it. That football game isn’t going to watch itself, you know.
Love and lots of it,
Dinner is lined up, and I'm going to watch some movies that I've seen a gazillion times. Enjoy the day.
Have fun, Stacey! And the swimming pool amount of coffee sounds perfect right about now...