Cappuccino Is Taking the Day Off to Celebrate Indigenous Cultures
And possibly go to an expat wingding if it doesn't rain, which it might
If there’s one thing you can depend on here in Italy, it’s that winter = rain, and lots of it.
Perverse soul that I am, I like rain, provided I don’t have to walk or drive through it. Holed up in the house with frosty drops pattering against the windows, well-provisioned in coffee, kitties, John, and some good books—I can’t think of a better way to celebrate a day that I have now renamed “Indigenous Cultures Day” instead of Thanksgiving, because we all know what a load of nonsense that is.
So here’s to you, all my brilliant Cappuccino readers. May your Indigenous Cultures Day be full of food, family, and holiday cheer. I’m raising my glass to you from afar, even if said glass is a second cup of coffee, I have cat fur all over my lap, and I can’t find my bifocals.
Thank you for subscribing to Cappuccino, reading, and participating. I love you all.
And in honor of the season, I leave you with this VERY funny meme:
It's raining all day here in good ole' Columbus, Ohio. Happy Indigenous Cultures Day!
Hugs to you, I love your cappuccinos!